Friday, August 1, 2014


Writhing in the wreckage of my wrongs,

I steep after stumbling.

Blackness and bleakness my companions,

I am left alone.

O wretched man that I am!

Why hast Thou forsaken me?

(I echo ancient words).

I seek for the ram in the thicket

as I offer my whole soul as an offering on the altar.

I am sinking in an inky sea... fingertips stretched heavenward.


A strong hand clasps my faltering one, pulling me into His ship.

He accepts my feeble offering and sends the ram to save.

"I have descended below them all", 
comes the gentle piercing voice.

I am encircled in his arms.

His wholeness covers me.

Light, above the brightness of the sun

shatters the darkness.
I kneel before One who strengthens
all feeble knees.
I am at peace.
My anguish has found its end.

(This poem is meant to be a form of chiasmus.  I used phrases and ideas from the following scriptures: 

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